Monday, November 9, 2009

Long Time No Blog....

Just so everyone knows I am alive and kicking....haha! I know it's been a long time since I have blogged. Life has just been going at such a fast pace I haven't had time. So its just been a quick update on facebook here and there to keep my family and friends informed on what the Green crew has been up to.

I am not sure if I facebooked this but I wanted to update everyone on my mom and Kenneth. My mom has been feeling ok the last few days. She is still getting some radiation treatments. They are going to start a new chemo on her in a few weeks. They did tell her this was the worse kind of cancer anyone could have because it is so agressive She has a long hard battle on her hands so she is still in need of many prayers.

Now my stepdad Kenneth has been in the hospital for over a week. He dropped a brushhog on his foot and broke it. He ended up with an infection in it that the dr's have had a hard time trying to get rid of. They finally found an antibotic that is working but it's working slowly so he remains in the hospital. He is my mom's rock and she needs him back at home with her. So he also is in need of many prayers.

I will try to be better on my blogging! Thanks in advance for all the prayers!


Jenna said...

good to hear from you!:) Prayers for your mom and your stepdad.

Flo and Grace said...

thanks for the update. I hope 2010 brings a "hospital" free year for your family. : ) Luv ya!