Happy Birthday Norma!
Well at least as close as you could get to Mexico in Texas. Jim, Scott, Norma and I went to Dallas to celebrate Norma's birthday. So she choose a Mexican restaurant on Jefferson.

As we are driving up Scott says it's going to look like we are going to a scary part of town but it's fine trust me. By this time we are thinking OMG what has Scott gotten us into. As we drive down Jefferson it is just like Mexico. The buildings are all bright colors, people walking around everywhere, and not to mention the Cinco De Mayo celebration going on. So we finally get there and got seated at very close arranged tables I might add. Of course the waiter comes up and starts talking in Spanish. So we both looked and Scott and Norma and told them what we wanted and they ordered for us. By the way they had some drinks there I have never heard of but they were strangely good. Norma had one called Rice Water don't ask me what was in it but it was good. Scott got one called watermelon water and it tasted just like the juice off a fresh watermelon. I had diet coke and Jim had tea. We are such risk takers aren't we!
About the time we were through eating a mariachi band showed up and played some songs, people were walking around selling light up items, someone there making balloon animals I mean it was a complete Mexican experience . By the way the food was excellent and we both would definitely go back. With Scott & Norma of course because we speaky no spanish.

After we left the restaurant we drove over to the west end and walked around for awhile. A man suckered us into 4 roses for $10 and we watched a man make painting with cans of spray paint. He was very cool. It's amazing the talents God blesses us with. We finished the night off at a candy shop. Not cheap but great candy! All in all it was a great night with great friends!
la cucha racha...la cucha racha...! I'm glad ya'll had fun. Next time you go to the Big D it will be with the FERRELL'S and we'll be headed toward PF CHANG'S with a pit stop at SAM MOON....get the picture? : )
Hey girl! I hope ya'lls weekend was okay...been thinking about ya. Actually, your whole family. What a season, huh? I mean, season of life...not an actual season...
Holler at me sometime.
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