Colby and his teacher Mrs. Dishman
Friday, May 30, 2008
Colby Is Offically In First Grade....
The Ultimate Healer....
My mom as most everyone knows has been fighting breast cancer for the last year. She had been being treated in a wonderful hospital in Baytown. She recently moved her journey to MD Anderson. I believe about 2 months ago she went there because her Dr. told her the cancer was to advanced for them there. After all the first initial testing at MD Anderson she was told she had 9 cancer tumors throughout her body. They started chemo immediately so that they could shrink those tumors enough to remove them and do a stem cell transplant. This Tuesday she returned back to do another PET scan to see if the tumors were small enough to continue on with the rest of her treatment. So mom called me Tuesday night and this is how our conversation went:
Andi what cha doing? (in a very soft low voice): nothing mom just fixin some dinner: Andi are you sitting down? : No mom, why do I need to? : Yes you do Andi : Have you talked to your sister? : No mom why do you ask? : Again she says are you sitting down? : No mom, what's wrong do I need to really sit down : In her low sadly voice she replied yes Andi you really do. : OK mom I'm sitting, what's wrong? What happened? : Well as you know I went to the Dr. today: Yeah, and? : They did another PET scan to see if the tumors were small enough to be removed and to begin with the transplant : Yes, and? : Well, with much hesitation...well then a loud scream THEY ARE ALL GONE! : What? What do you mean? : She said the doctor can not even see the tumors any more they are all gone! : OH MY GOODNESS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! : I know Andi and I know that it is a miracle of God that is the only way that they could be gone without a trace. I know God took them from me and I felt it when he did. A weight was lifted.
As you could imagine we both shed tears of joy. Her journey is not over yet though. She will receive one more chemo treatment, and then on June 23rd she will receive the stem cell transplant. The doctors say that even though the tumors are gone the toxins are still invading her body. Hopefully with the stem cell transplant, she will have a much better chance of never having a re-occurrence. Please continue you to pray for her! The stem cell transplant is a tough thing to go through. She will be in the hospital for 2 weeks to a month and then 100 days of 24hr nursing care. So she will be at MD Anderson for 4 mths. Again thanks to everyone that has kept her in your prayers! This is a living testimony that prayers can and will be answered.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A Yummy Treat....

Saturday, May 17, 2008
And The Biggest Thing Keeping Us Busy....

Playing Catch-Up....
While we were in Linden last weekend I took the opportunity to go and visit with my sister and her family. While we were there Jaici though it would be fun to get out teh tattoo machine I gave her at Christmas. Here's what the results were.
Marcus, Jaici, Colby & PayBo
Colby's tattoo (Don't ask) haha
Jaici & Colby
Allie drinking her Coke Zero ( She must get that from her Aunt)
Jaici giving me a sweet pose
Colby went the the Texas Freshwater Fisheries for his field trip this past week and I got to go along with him. Here are a few pictures from that.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Our Trip To Mexico...

About the time we were through eating a mariachi band showed up and played some songs, people were walking around selling light up items, someone there making balloon animals I mean it was a complete Mexican experience . By the way the food was excellent and we both would definitely go back. With Scott & Norma of course because we speaky no spanish.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Quote Of The Day....
Now here's my quote of the day!
If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.
-- Anita Roddick