Out of all the pictures I took this is the one I chose for our card!
Out of all the pictures I took this is the one I chose for our card!
Dining Room Table
Living Room Tree
Thanks for stopping by. May you have a blessed holiday season!
To visit more wonderful homes on this tour visit http://boomama.net
Our tree we used was out of my office. I decorated it with pictures of all the employees in our office. It turned out pretty cute I thought.
These were plastic martini glasses that we filled with peppermints and a tealight they turned out really cute!
On Friday we had our Life Group Christmas party at the Woolverton's. It was a great party with a great turnout. Thanks to everyone that helped get that together!
Look at our music minister Eric...Don't ask....haha! You know I took my camera to this party and some how this is the only picture I took all night. Well I guess because it gave us all a great laugh! We love y'all Kim and Eric!
This past Saturday my work decided to get together a float for the Christmas parade. We work alot of the day on Friday getting supplies together. Then on Saturday morning we were at the paper at 8am to start our masterpiece.
So what did ya think...pretty good float to be put together all in one day!
My mom at her apartment at MD Anderson
He also got up on the roof with his dad last night to put up the Christmas lights...when he came in he was to funny...he said mom it was freezing out there and I risked my life for you. Kids they say the funniest things.
Colby is losing his teeth like crazy he lost his front two about 2 weeks ago and he pulled another on this week and he has 2 more that are loose. He is going to break the tooth fairy...haha!
This picture was taken the night he lost his first upper tooth the next day the other one was gone as well. Now one on the bottom is gone and more to follow.
Colby with his BB Gun
However the clay pit was filled with water and it was absolutely beautiful! And it was a great day with my 3 favorite guys in the world!
Also this past Monday school began for the boys. Colby started 1st grade and PayBo started 4th grade. They both love their teachers. That's a major plus for Colby, he actually says he is liking school this year. Now I know it's only been a week but that's an improvement for Colby. Now PayBo is just to old for his mommy to walk him into class, so I dropped him off at the front door. Colby on the other hand still wanted me to, so I grabbed a pic of him at his new 1st grade desk.
I love you and just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Everyone please stop by Jim's site and wish him a Happy Birthday & just so you know he is 33 today.
This is not the one in Arlington but it looks exactly like this! Trust me its alot bigger than it looks in these pictures and its alot higher!
After that daring ride we let the kids play in kiddie land for a little bit.
We went to Jim's favorite place to eat in Arlington and that is the Steak N' Shake. If you haven't tried it you really should. It really is a great place to eat and the cost is just like any normal fast food place. But this is 10 times better than fast food!
All in all we had a great time! And the kids said it was the best day of their lives and isn't that what we want to hear as parents.