Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cancer Go Away....

Hmmmm where to begin.........

As I sat through church tonight and listened to Bro. Nathan talk about his mom who is battling cancer I could not help but shed tears. How does he do it? How does he get up there on that stage and hold his composure? How does he speak so eloquently about her without even a quiver? I would crumble.....I would fall apart!

My mom's battle with cancer is winning. It is taking it's tole on her mentally and physically. What started out as Breast Cancer has spread throughout her entire body. Things we take for granted that we do on a daily basis are major obstacles for her. It makes you think.....sometimes things I don't really care to think about. When I found out they gave her 6 months I fell apart. Thinking to myself who will be there when I need someone to call and tell about my day? When I have a question that only she can answer what will I do? Why does a 31 year old have to deal with this? I feel so selfish when I think this way. I mean many have been through the same thing and where was I then? I still had my mom then and I still do right now! I just have to cherish every moment I have with her!

Interruption....PayBo enters the living room and says he wants to read us a bible story. So I close my computer screen and listened to what he had to say.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

13Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18Therefore encourage each other with these words.

WOW......slap in the face!

I have no more words to say....everything I was thinking just went out the window when God revealed the words he wanted me to hear through my 10 year old son. Amen!

I want to leave with this quote......Don't be afraid of tomorrow; for God is already there.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Long Time No Blog....

Just so everyone knows I am alive and kicking....haha! I know it's been a long time since I have blogged. Life has just been going at such a fast pace I haven't had time. So its just been a quick update on facebook here and there to keep my family and friends informed on what the Green crew has been up to.

I am not sure if I facebooked this but I wanted to update everyone on my mom and Kenneth. My mom has been feeling ok the last few days. She is still getting some radiation treatments. They are going to start a new chemo on her in a few weeks. They did tell her this was the worse kind of cancer anyone could have because it is so agressive She has a long hard battle on her hands so she is still in need of many prayers.

Now my stepdad Kenneth has been in the hospital for over a week. He dropped a brushhog on his foot and broke it. He ended up with an infection in it that the dr's have had a hard time trying to get rid of. They finally found an antibotic that is working but it's working slowly so he remains in the hospital. He is my mom's rock and she needs him back at home with her. So he also is in need of many prayers.

I will try to be better on my blogging! Thanks in advance for all the prayers!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What to do with all those pictures...

So you know how kids take a photo for this and a photo for that. Well at least here is seems that way so I found a way to utilize some of those photos.

As most of you know we are big baseball people, so most of the random photos I have are of baseball so I turned the boys bathroom into a baseball shrine and they love it. I have really been working on it since we moved in but my walls are getting full.

So I thought I would share some photos with everyone....This is the boys favorite room in the house!

I found this towel rack at walmart.....well I dont think its meant to be a towel rack but I really loved it. I thought it would be a good place to hang the boys medals and towels.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Playing catch-up once again....

So I warned everyone what would happen once baseball season rolled around....and sure enough here I am trying to catch up on my blogging. Here's what the Green's have been up to.

Opening Ceremonies for Baseball

Colby's Team...he is on the far right

Jenna singing the National Anthem...she did a wonderful job! Thanks Jenna!!!

Payden and Dalton were the only two from their team that showed up for the opening ceremonies....I think they liked everyone looking at just them...haha!

Colby's first game

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Random Photos....

Ranger Baseball Game....

The McCurleys called and invited us to go the the Texas Ranger baseball game on Saturday. We left the house about 3pm so we could get there early enough for the kids to get a free Josh Hamilton Jersey. The first 7500 kids under the age of 13 got one. They were very nice I might add. The kids loved them!

As you can see they wasted no time putting them on!

We had a good time even though the Rangers didn't win!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bow The Knee....

Great slideshow Keri hope you don't mind I borrowed it! This is our church Easter Play hope everyone enjoys the photos! These photos tell a beautiful story!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday....

What a great church service we had this morning. The sanctuary was packed full!!! If only it could be that way every Sunday we would have it made!
I woke up this morning and made cinnamon rolls for our Sunday School class and the boys played with Easter Bunny stuff.
My Cinnamon rolls were a hit thanks to my great friend Rhonda who gave me the recipe.
After church we came home and just chilled. We didn't get to go home for Easter because Jim and the boys are in our Easter Play at church. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!

It also warmed up and dried up enough for us to go outside and hunt some eggs over and over and over again....haha!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weigh-In Week 4....

Getting a little tougher to keep from snacking. I will say I did cheat this week when me and Roberta (Diet Consultant) went to Canton and I had to have a corn dog...I mean who can go to Canton and not eat a corn dog? Even though I cheated I still think I did ok.

Week 4

Lost 3 lbs and 1 inch

Total lost so far 17 lbs

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Boys Easter Bunny Cake....

So we attempted making a cute cake but of course the cake had to stick in my pan and it was hard to ice but here it is....i thought the boys did a cute job decorating it!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Weigh-In Week 3....

Well this week was not as good as the others as far as weight loss goes.

Week 3

Lost 2 lbs and 2 inches

losing 14 lbs in three weeks aint to shabby, and hopefully next Tuesday I will add a few more pounds to this total!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Baby is NOT a Baby Anymore....

Today Jim decided the yard needed to be cleaned up...Yes in this cold weather! So Jim and the boys cleaned up all the sticks in the yard and then Jim got on the lawnmower and started mowing well so I thought. Jim made a few rounds then I saw this....

Is he really old enough for this??? I guess so he will be 10 in how they grow! Jim of course was thrilled now he has some help mowing. I might add he did a really great job being his first time to ever get on the lawnmower. When he finished he ran in and said momma that was so fun! I just hope it stays fun for him cause it looks like he is gonna be helping alot!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weigh-In Week Two....

Still doing pretty good on the diet and still no cheating going on...haha! I need sweets so bad, but I have committed myself to this program 100%!!!!!

Week Two

Lost 5 lbs and 3 inches

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My New Venture....

So I always get on these kicks about losing weight and exercising. Well I have finally committed myself to a weight loss program and as some of you might have seen my picture is in the paper every week showing what I lose week to week. On my first weigh-in I lost 7lbs and now I am on my second week. I have to weigh-in and get measured every Tuesday. I thought about posting my before picture but it was way to bad. Maybe after I am through with the diet I will get the nerve to post the before and after pictures.

So the diet I am embarking on is called Ideal Protein Weigh Loss Program.

Ideal Protein is a line of protein diet products developed by Dr Tran Tien, Chanh, a general practitioner and a doctor of nutrition, sports medicine and biology. Dr Tran Tien, Chanh has focused his career and research on nutrition, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and overweight.

This diet is hard I wont lie! Hard! But going into the second week I have found is a little easier. The hardest part for me so far is snacking. I am used to snacking throughout the day (which I know is bad) and with this diet you can not do that.

I call Roberta (which is my diet consultant) all the time and say will a small piece of chocolate hurt me and I give her a heart attack. She is great and is always there when you have any questions. Which helps tremendously! She definitely keeps me in of today I have yet to cheat and for me that's great cause I am a sweet addict and you can't have any! YES I SAID IT YOU CAN NOT HAVE SWEETS!

Oh and the other bad part I have to eat VEGGIES! I know I know Flo can you imagine me eating veggies. Well I do but I pretty much live off of raw broccoli and cucumber. But hey its better that not eating veggies at all! I will keep everyone updated on my progress!

Week One

Lost 7lbs and I can't remember exactly but it was over 5 inches between my waist, chest, arm, hips & thighs.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Trip To The Zoo....

Sunday night my sister and her family came down and spent the night. We had a great visit with them. Monday we got up and got ready and headed to the zoo. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

I know I haven't been blogging much but I am sure everyone can guess why?????? BASEBALL of course! Yes practice has officially begun for league play. So I apologize in advance for my random blogs. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Drum Roll Please............

So the house is finally put back together after lots of painting, cleaning, dusting, and chaos! It was a dissaster to go through all of that and it feels so good to actually be back in a clean house. No dust all over everything you walk by and you can actually walk in here without getting dirty feet...that in itself is worth a million bucks!

So without futher ado...