Mom has started new chemo treatments through MD Anderson. Her last chemo treatments went very well and she was never sick. The day after she received this treatment she was very ill and has been all week. I talked with her today and she said she is feeling much better. They were suppose to do 6 weeks of chemo and then re-evaluate to see how this medication is working, but instead they decided to see her back this Tuesday to do some more testing to go ahead with the stem cell transplant (A stem cell transplant is the infusion of healthy stem cells into your body. If all goes well, these healthy stem cells take hold in your body and begin normal production of blood cells.Although the procedure is generally called a stem cell transplant, it's also known as a bone marrow transplant or an umbilical cord blood transplant, depending on the source of the stem cells.). As of right now the diagnosis is still not good. All the treatments they do hopefully will help prolong her life, but it will not cure the cancer.
Mom has cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma IDC accounts for about 70 percent of all breast cancers. The cancer cells form in the lining of your milk duct, then break through the ductal wall and invade nearby breast tissue. The cancer cells may remain localized — staying near the site of origin — or spread (metastasize) throughout your body, carried by your bloodstream or lymphatic system. Her cancer has metastasized into several different parts of her body, including shoulder, sternum, and liver. The spot on her liver is to large to remove right now so they are trying to stop the growth on that one and shrink it so that they can remove it. Needless to say the outlook is still not good and she needs every ones prayers!
I want to say thank you to everyone for all your prayers and phone calls it means alot to know that our family has people like y'all who care about them that much!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
What A Beautiful Day....
It is days like today that I absolutely love! PayBo and Jim started off this morning at baseball practice and Colby and I slept in. When we woke up we got ready and went on to watch PayBo's practice. After we left there the family went to Subway and had some lunch. By this time it had started to warm up and become a beautiful day. Jim and the boys made their way to Tyler to pick up some baseball stuff, and I went to work for a little while. Can you believe I am spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon at work! After I left work I decided to run to Wal-Mart and get some flowers for the little flower bed in the front of my house. I love the color orange so of course you can guess what color I got. When I got home I proceeded to work on my flower bed and that lead to trimming bushes, raking leaves, and sweating! After the boys got home they came over and started to help me.

Once we were through with all of our yard work the boys decided they wanted to do bubbles so we did. The Easter Bunny left them some new bubble guns so they wanted to try them out. I do have to say they were the best bubble guns I have ever seen. I think they went on and on and on. I was definitely impressed by them.

Once we were through with all of our yard work the boys decided they wanted to do bubbles so we did. The Easter Bunny left them some new bubble guns so they wanted to try them out. I do have to say they were the best bubble guns I have ever seen. I think they went on and on and on. I was definitely impressed by them.

Monday, March 24, 2008
Another Confession...
You know I really did it good this time. Most people who read this blog know that our church is having a revival. So this weekend when we were in Linden I was telling Jim don't forget the revival is this week. He asked me what time did it start. I told him I wasn't real sure but I would check Monday morning because we have a flier on the door at the paper. So Jim calls me this morning once I got to work and asks me what time it starts. So I put him on hold and went to the front door to look and it said there was a speaker Sun. morning and Sun. night and that on the week nights it started at 6pm. So I made my way back to the phone to let Jim know he missed two speakers on Sunday, but that it started at 6pm tonight. So he comes home from work and rushed around to get ready in time to go and I took Colby to baseball practice. So about 30 minutes after I got to practice Jim shows up. I am thinking to myself oh my goodness what has happened? So I walk up to Jim and he says to me I can't believe you. It doesn't even start till the 30th, and you had the flier right in front of you reading it. I didn't even think to look at the dates because in my head I just knew it was this week. A note to everyone and especially myself don't assume anything double check and then check again. Sorry JimBo I hope you forgive me!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Our Trip to Mimi & Grandaddy's....
We left the house Saturday about noon to make our way to Linden which is where all of Jim's family is from. Jim has the radio blaring, the boys have the TV's blaring and Colby also has his Nintendo DS blaring.

As we drove on Jim got sleepy and I took over..scary! We arrived safely in Linden and while we waited for everyone to get home Jim slept some more and the boys and I went outside and did some chalk drawings and soaked our feet in the pool. Well they soaked there feet it was way to cold for me! After everyone got home we rode some 4-wheelers and went out to eat dinner. When we got home the boys wanted to hunt some easter eggs I had bought them that glowed in the dark, so we did. (These eggs were not the greatest at glowing, the boys definately needed larger flashlights than what came with the eggs.)

Now we are back inside and finally getting settled down and when we wake up another long, fun, tiring day ahead of us!

As we drove on Jim got sleepy and I took over..scary! We arrived safely in Linden and while we waited for everyone to get home Jim slept some more and the boys and I went outside and did some chalk drawings and soaked our feet in the pool. Well they soaked there feet it was way to cold for me! After everyone got home we rode some 4-wheelers and went out to eat dinner. When we got home the boys wanted to hunt some easter eggs I had bought them that glowed in the dark, so we did. (These eggs were not the greatest at glowing, the boys definately needed larger flashlights than what came with the eggs.)

Now we are back inside and finally getting settled down and when we wake up another long, fun, tiring day ahead of us!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Time With The Kiddos....
Since Jim has been working so much it has been pretty much been me and the kids getting quality time together. He has been working 7 days a week 12 hours a day, and Thursday he worked till 5am. Almost 24 hours of work how crazy is that. At least we know he is committed to his job. That's one of the reasons I love him so much because he is committed to anything and everything he does! So while he has been working I think I am starting to perfect the whole cleaning out the dog pens thing.
Check me out!

It was such a beautiful day today that the boys and I stayed outside most of the day. Yes I finally took a day off work and I will have to say it felt great to just relax. On one side of our house we have a long row of Azaleas and they are starting to bloom so of course you know I had to get some pictures.

After we were through playing in the flowers we though we would play a little baseball. As most people know the Green Family are huge baseball fanatics. And this time of year we are so busy with both of our boys playing. Here is a few pictures from our session of baseball and don't laugh at the picture of me pitching.

After we were through playing in the flowers we though we would play a little baseball. As most people know the Green Family are huge baseball fanatics. And this time of year we are so busy with both of our boys playing. Here is a few pictures from our session of baseball and don't laugh at the picture of me pitching.

Catching Up On My Posting....
So it's been awhile since I have made any post so I am gonna catch up here all at the same time!
Last week Colby had a picnic at school and afterwards he got to do some kite flying. Here are a few pictures from that.

This past weekend I took a trip down to Dayton to spend some time with my mom. Which by the way she is feeling pretty good right now. She spent three days in MD Anderson going through test after test. She will go back on April 2nd to get all her results to find out what treatment option will help her the best. Pretty much all weekend I was there we just relaxed and had great bonding time. Mom has a trampoline outside so she decided we needed to go out there and try it out. Look at these goofy pictures she got of me!

Last week Colby had a picnic at school and afterwards he got to do some kite flying. Here are a few pictures from that.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
PayBo Has A Mind Of His Own...
Okay so again, as everyone knows I love reality shows. So tonight I am watching The Biggest Loser. Every time right before the commercial comes on the trainers give quick tips to use at home. One of the tips tonight was to have a cheat day once a week to give your metabolism a boost so that it does not get used to the same thing everyday. PayBo and Colby are sitting here watching it with me tonight. And right after the tip PayBo says and I quote "I have a cheat day everyday, I better work on my abs" so he drops down on the ground and starts doing push-ups. I died laughing! It was tooooo funny. Just goes to show you that even if your kiddos don't seem to be paying attention they really are.

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Family In Germany....
Jim's sister lives in Germany with her husband and two beautiful girls. Her husband is in the military and that is where they are stationed. So she sends pictures of them so we can see how things are going in that part of the world. Here is a few of the newest pictures she sent me.

Guess What Time It Is For The Green's....
As the sign next to our front door says, "We Interrupt This Family For Baseball Season!" Today was the baseball tryouts for all the kiddos in Athens Teenage Baseball Assoc., but thanks to Jim coaching PayBo did not have to try out, but he wanted to run by there for a minute to see who all was there trying out. Since Jim had to work today I managed to get dressed and run him over there for a few minutes. This season PayBo moved up to the Senior Midget age group and Colby will spend one more year in T-Ball. They are both so excited that Baseball Season has finally returned!

Friday, March 7, 2008
A Snowy Morning In Athens....
This is how we started off our lovely Friday morning at the Green household!

I myself have been very sick but you can bet I had my little self outside taking tons of pictures of the snow. It's not like SNOW happens to often in East Texas so we have to enjoy it when we can. Here's a few more pictures from this morning.

I myself have been very sick but you can bet I had my little self outside taking tons of pictures of the snow. It's not like SNOW happens to often in East Texas so we have to enjoy it when we can. Here's a few more pictures from this morning.

Check This Out....
A friend shared this with me and I thought it was pretty cool so, I am sharing it with everyone!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Mom's Cancer...
You know you listen to the doctors and it scares you. You here what they have to say whether it be good or bad or no news at all. But we have to keep the most important thing in our hearts and minds. God is the Ultimate Healer!
But Jesus replied, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27)
Mom (Angela) heard from MD Anderson today. The Stem Cell Research dept. called her. She will be making her way to MD Anderson on next Tuesday and staying there until Friday. They told her there were two options they were considering. One is a bone marrow transplant and the other is stem cell therapy. I believe both options are to help slow down the cancer but not stop it. As of right now they say it is incurable. Hopefully once they get her there they will do more testing and find out the exact type of cancer she has. As of right now they are still telling her they don't know. In the meantime she is suppose to start radiation tomorrow. Once she goes to MD Anderson they will most likely transfer those treatments over there.
Please continue to keep her in your prayers!
Please continue to keep her in your prayers!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
3 Day Walk....

I would love to participate in this 3 day walk for the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. It takes place in Dallas Texas November 7-9. I would love for people to do it with me. You can sign up as an individual or you can sign up as a team.
Each walker must agree to raise a minimum of $2,200 for the Breast Cancer 3-Day benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, in order to walk. If you haven’t raised $2,200 by the time you check in for the event, you can make a donation to your own fundraising account, put up a credit card to insure the balance and allow yourself four weeks after the event to continue to fund raise, or you can choose not to participate in the event.
I know this is alot of money to raise per person, but I would love to do this. I was thinking maybe some kind of event to raise money. Wouldn't it be great to do something like this. I know Flo you and I have talked about this before but if we are going to do this we would have to get started soon in order to raise enough money. And of course to get in shape for it.
We could represent the wonderful Henderson County! And of course we would have to come up with a great team name! If anyone is interested in doing this let me know. I would love to have as many ladies as we can!
What An Exhausting Week....
Finally Taste of Home has come and gone and it was a huge success! We had the auditorium set up for 600 people and we ended up having to add chairs twice. Final count I think we ended up with almost 700 people which was GREAT!
We started out the day at 8:30AM getting the auditorium set up at the Cain Center.

After we were finished setting up that morning Jamie (Culinary Specialist), Me & Chris (Emceed with me due to Jayson being ill) spoke with us to go over everything for the show. That's when the nervousness set in. Thanks goodness Chris was able to fill in because I don't think I would have been able to do it myself. I don't know how we did but I think it turned out pretty good, at least that's what a few people have told me.
Jamie was kind enough to take time out of her busy day to give a small class to the LaPoynor Culinary Class. She spoke with them for about 45 mins and then they helped us throughout the day. They also returned back for the show to help sell drinks and pass out door prizes.

The doors opened at 4:30 p.m. and I was surprised at the amount of people who were already in their seats and ready for the show to begin which did not start until 6:30 pm.

After the show was over of course we all had to stay and help clean up. We had to help tear everything down, stack tons of chairs, and clean up all the trash (which i might add was alot).

All in all it was a blast, but I am glad it is over! I hope everyone enjoyed and hope to see even more at the next show.
We started out the day at 8:30AM getting the auditorium set up at the Cain Center.

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