Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Taste of Home Is Nearing....

This week is pure craziness! We are getting closer and closer to the Taste of Home Cooking School and I can tell. Today was our last and final meeting before the show on Thursday. The goodie bags are stuffed the Cain Center is booked, tickets are selling like crazy and we are all running around like mad people trying to make sure we have everything in order. We have a fun little game planned to warm up the crowd before the show, there will be several vendor booths set up, there will also be food vendors there (Dominoes, McAlisters, & the new Upper Crust Bakery), many door prizes up for grabs, and to top it off me and Jayson (The Editor of the Athens Daily Review) as your Emcees (Scary!!)

Me & Jayson

Tomorrow will be the last day you can get tickets at $8 so be sure and get one. After that they will be $10 at the door. I think the event will go very well and I think we are as ready as we are going to be. Wish us luck and we hope to see as many of you as we can! Here are a few pictures of the volunteers that helped us stuff goodie bags.

I will look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at the paper buying tickets!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Being Honest Is Not Always Easy....

Ok so you won't believe what I did and I can't believe I am confessing this but I am. So a few blogs ago I made a false statement. On the blog titled 7 random things about me I had a mess up, and Jim being addicted to reading the blogs caught me. Of course I have fixed it now but I still thought I would share. On my blog I put Jim and I had been married almost 11 years, can you believe it is really almost 12 years. He told me usually it's the man that forgets these things. He made me feel so bad that I though I must confess to the world. This is my way of making that up to him! He said he was gonna get on here and blog about it himself so before he had a chance to talk bad about me I thought I better beat him to it...haha!
Me & Jim

A Hair Don't....

My sister will kill me when she sees this post but I warned her that she better be prepared if I'm around because my camera goes everywhere with me. When we first got to the hospital my sister had already been there. She had went to bed with a wet head and when she woke up this is what she had. This was a definite hair emergency! So as you can see I started working on her, but she would not let me get a final pic of the calm tame hair so these are the pictures she is stuck with.
Sorry Audi I warned you about my camera! Luv ya sis!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

7 Random Things About Me....

Thanks Keri...well no one has to be worried about getting tagged from me because everyone I know has already been tagged..haha

My sister took this pic of me blogging in the hospital...she was trying out my camera

Let me think...

1.) I hate needles! Every time I see a needle I get very weak in the knees. When I was pregnant I passed out a many of times when I had to get my blood taken...im serious I really did! Someting about needles and hospitals don't sit well with me.

2.) I absolutely love Red Lobster. It is my favorite place to eat. Snow Crab legs dipped in that butter sauce they bring you, with those biscuits...OMG! they are to die for. If Jim liked it we would eat there at least once a week. And can you believe I have a gift card from Christmas to Red Lobster that I still have'nt used. Shame on me!

3.) I love reality shows...I'm pretty sure i've blogged on that before, but I just can't help it im addicted to them! I would say my favorite it is....well I love them all it's to hard to pick one favorite.

4.) I can not stand to go into any restroom and see an empty toliet paper roll. I mean come on how hard is it to take the empty one off and put a new one on. It takes like two seconds. Oh and what gets me even more angry is if there is an empty toliet paper roll and a fresh roll of toliet paper sitting on the counter. Now that's lazy! Just put the darn thing on!

5.) I love to go bowling..I know that sounds a little corny but I do. I of course am not very good but for some reason I just love it. We had a few girls night out at my work and all of us went bowling and it was a blast. Payden had his birthday party at the bowling alley last year and he loved it as well. Pretty much the whole family loves it.

6.) I came from a divorced family. My mom has been married three times and they say third times a charm and they were right for her. Finally it's nice to see my mom truly happy! My dad has also been married three times, but as most of you know I don't really ever see him.

7.) Jim and I went to school together since 5th grade, and never really knew each other until my freshman year in high school. Can you believe he said he knew me but I was ugly back then...haha! We actually met each other at a local rodeo and till this day he will tell you I came up to him XXXXXXX not true. And don't let him tell you it is. We started dating each other that night and here we are almost 16 years later still together. We dated for four years and been married almost 12. Can you believe high school sweethearts and still going strong!

I tag no one because Flo and Keri already did....haha....love ya'll!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well all weekend I have been staying at San Jacinto Methodist hospital in Baytown with my mom who was once again diagnosed with cancer. I think everyone who knows me knows that I have a phobia about hospitals especially when its due to horrible circumstances. But I have put that fear aside to be with my mom. I have stayed with her overnight ever since I arrived here. And needless to say no sleep because every time you dose off another nurse comes in to do something. My mom has been through so much in her life that it kills me to see her having to go through this all over again so soon. The doctors say that it is not good, they did a scan on her liver and that turned out to be cancer as well. They have started the process to get her into MD Anderson hospital in Houston. She will again start her chemo treatments and radiation Monday. Once they get her into MD Anderson they will do a PET scan to determine if it is in the bones if in fact it is in the bones they will do a bone marrow transplant which they have already put her on the list to receive one. My mom is the strongest person I know and she will fight as hard as she can, but ultimately it's in Gods hands and at this point in her journey all we can do is pray, pray and pray so more. Thanks to all of you who have offered your support and prayers. We love y'all and ask to please keep praying for her!

My Sweet Mommy

My Stepdad (The best thing that could have ever happened to my mom)

Jim is getting hooked on blogging....

I get online to see whats new and Jim can't help but ask...is there any new blogs? I think he is getting more addicted than I am. Now he has started commenting on some of them with my name so I think it's time to start up his own. I don't think I will actually convince him to do his own so to those of you he is commenting to i'm making him sign his name. Haha!!
My Lovely Addicted Blogger!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Heading Out To Take On The World....

After a great weekend with the youth they are headed out Sunday morning for their final time at the Green Household. I guess all I can say is thanks to you all for being such great guys. Stay strong in your faith and never let anyone tell you, you can't achieve something. With God on your side there is nothing you can't accomplish.
God Bless You All!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good Kids Are Hard To Find....

During this weekend we have got to spend some time with some of the boys from our youth group and listen to them talk about God and his mighty powers. You can't help but love to have kids like these in your home. Now granted I have done lots of cleaning and went through lots of food and drinks since Friday night but it's well worth it! The best part of this is that these good Christian boys are having great influences on my kids. They will be the ones my kiddos look up to one day. Not to mention my boys have found some great play buddies. I think I will find Nerf bullets all over this house even weeks after all the youth is gone..haha! Boog you have done great things with these kids and you should be very proud! May God bless you in your ministry and everyone else involved in D*Now. Enjoy these pics of the youth having fun and of course my kids are right in the middle.

Working On The Rally Car....

All the boys had to get together and come up with something they could race with. So they got together and got a dolly, some cardboard, pieces of wood, paint, and nails. They worked pretty good as a team putting this together. Although they did get a little paint crazy (street, mailbox, wood, cardboard). Here is a few pics of their progress. And notice my little crazy boys in the middle of all them big kids.

I didn't get to make it to the race but from what I hear it's a good thing I didn't go. Boog had some tasks they had to perform in the middle of the race (the tasks did not sound to appetizing....I bet Boog had fun preparing this little relay). I am not sure which group won but i'm told it was very intresting.

D*NOW At The Green Household....

All I can say is wow...I thought 3 boys in my house was enough but try having 12! FBC Malakoff is putting on Disciple Now for the youth in our area. There are several host families and my prayers go out to each and everyone of ya'll and we hope ya'll are having as much fun as we are. Boog has done a tremendous job putting this all together and huge kuddos to him. The boys arrived about 8:30 last night and guess what was the first thing they did???? You guessed it straight to the food! After they were all settled in they convened to the table to do a learning session.I have no idea how late they were up but I know it was at least 1am, but that's ok I sleep good and didn't even know it.

This morning Jim got up and went and got donuts and pigs-in-a-blanket. It all went quickly! After they had breakfast while some were showering Jim decided to show them how to leg wrestle....enjoy these pics

So guess what the Green boys are doing now?

Stay tuned more to come...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Day Of Valentines....

To start this off Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! There was valentines happening all around me today, so I thought I would share a few of the items I saw throughout the day. These places include work, kids school and at home. By the way I tried to be a little artsy (if that's a word) with some of the items I took pictures of. Hope you enjoy!

This beautiful rose belongs to Teresa from my office. There were a dozen of them and they were huge and absolutely georgeous.

These pretzels belonged to Ann from my office and let me tell you they were yummy!

This little singing frog belongs to Shirley one of my sales reps. It sings "My Girl" It was very cute.

These beautiful roses also belonged to Shirley. There were 2 dozen of them. It was also Shirley's 23rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!

Lyric, Emily, & Colby at their school valentine's day party.

(Flo you will like this idea)...The kids in Payden's class took their Valentine's Day cards and placed them in the shape of a heart and laminated them to make a placemat. I thought this was a cute idea . You know most parents just throw all those cards away and this is a way you can keep them

PayBo opening his Valentines from us!

Colby with his candy.

And last but definitely not least, here is a pic of my Valentine's Day Gift. Isn't it beautiful! That man of mine surprises me a little more and more everyday. I could not ask for a better husband, he is my world!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

T.H.A.T. Class Fellowship....

Tonight many of the families from T.H.A.T (Through Him All Things) Class got together for fun times and fellowship. We have so many families in our class and we would love to have many more. So I thought I would post this in hopes that it will bring more families to join us in our Quest for Christ! Ok so with our group you could imagine how many kiddos we all have when we gather together, so there is always an adventure with them all together and this night was not any different. I am not sure which kiddo it was because I was not over there, but one of them locked themselves in the bathroom. As you can see there were many there to try and help him out. Finally after a minute or two Bro. Nathan was able to get the door open. Definitely a good blogging moment...haha! It was a great night and we absolutely need more times like this.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

While The Girls Were Away The Boys Played....

Jim took the boys over to Frankston to the River Run ATV Park. It was that memorable fun father son time where they got to be silly and get VERY muddy, and when I say VERY I mean it. Even their socks were soaking wet and covered in mud. When the boys came in I asked them if they had fun and that was a loaded question, because they still have not quit talking about it. My youngest Colby had his first roll over on his 4-wheeler, but he was able to get out of the way so no damage was done. All in all they had a great day and it was beautiful weather for their father & sons outing. Colby (Look at that muddy face)

PayBo (Taking a break)

Landon, Colby & PayBo After Their Fun Day

The Aftermath Of The Mud...haha!